Hi u all.Long time no post here because i have no much time to other activity. This semester is my final year thats mean i have a new "boyfriend" that i call THESIS.
My new "boyfriend" is not too special but "he" always in my mind. i will do everything for him to make the other one satisfied on me. the other one that i mean is my papa. papa will give "restu" depend on how is my "boyfriend".
Alhamdulillah,so far my papa is so good and i like be his "daughter".*papa,please be good to me and my "boyfriend"..give me "A"..hehe
ok,bye2..my "boyfriend" called and see u all next time.salam..:)
masih aku teringat,debaran menanti sebelum final exam bermula
jumlah paper sem ni agak banyak,jadi agak sukar untuk membahagikan masa untuk study
semangatku semakin lemah,namu berteraskan niat kerana Allah dan ibubapa,semangat ku kembali pulih.dalam erti kata lain,berusaha.
memang aku risau,macam mana resultnya nnti,sebab aku tidak yakin dengan apa yang aku jawab.namun Alhamdulillah,hanya itu yang mampu aku ucapkan apabila resultku sem ni still lg 3pointer and above.alhamdulillah aku syukur walaupun ada sedikit penurunan pada pointer ku
nampaknya sem ni kena usaha lebih kuat lg untuk peningkatan..insyallah,smoga Allah meluruskan jalan buatku.
semoga aku mampu dah gagah dalam segala hal termasuk juga thesis.
agak berdebar juga dengan thesis ini,namun ku harus kuatkan semangat dan mengatakan yang AKU BOLEH!!insyallah..amin...
Hi everyone,long time no post here because of i am busy. Degree student is not as easy like a tadika or school student.ouch, still long journey i should go before i am graduated as a degree student.(a year more to go..:(..)
wish me luck and pray for my success
now,although i am enjoy watching korean drama and happy at home, i'm still worried about my result of past final examination and final year project for next semester and end of semester.
for sure,i will triple busy than before.ottoke..T_T
enjoying korean drama -Rooftop Prince- with the hensem and awesome hero !!